Monday, October 28, 2013


I am one of those people. It is not even November yet and I am almost completely done with my Christmas shopping. All year I look forward to Christmas. The lights, the fuzzy feeling, the joy, the music, the decorations...and as cliche as it sounds I love giving. It probably helps that I love shopping too so put that all together and there ya have it! My favorite!!!:) 
When I stumble upon a good deal throughout the year, I can not pass it up. I have just the perfect person in mind who would love this! I then put a little sticky note on it with the persons name and stuff it in my closet. For example, my closet is filled right now with gifts for "Epi" and "Bella", "Dad", "Mom" get the idea. I honestly look forward to giving it to them! It's exciting!! Ahhh the splendor of successful shopping:) A job well done deserves a cup of hot cocoa! Mmmm hmmm:)

God tells us in His word that He actually has good things in store for us. He is not sitting up in the clouds on a golden throne waiting to rain fire down on us. He is our Heavenly Father. 
He actually has plans for a future and a hope for us, plans to prosper us and heal us. (Jeremiah 29:11) 
He wants to bless us with the desires of our hearts. (Psalm 37:4-5)

Matthew 7:11 says, "So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him."

I see God up in Heaven with those gifts in his closet, each with a sticky note with your name on it. He is smiling thinking of how much it will bless you. He knows how long you have prayed, cried, and worried about this. He gets excited just thinking about blessing you with it. His timing is just perfect, for we may have completely missed it if He had given it to us earlier or maybe we would not have been ready. I have come to the realization  that as much as I try to push my timing on God, it will ALWAYS work out best when He has His timing.
It is as if God is driving and I am in the passenger seat telling Him to run the red light. We could get a ticket or get into an accident. It just would not help in the long run of reaching our destination, because in rushing we could miss it altogether.
So as the season of gift giving comes and you find yourself in a long line halfway out the door and your hands full of different items for people on your Christmas list, just remember that God has a few gifts in store for you too.
You didn't earn it because you weren't as "naughty" as last year or eat all of your vegetables... No He just simply loves you.  It is in the Fathers heart to bless His child. If I can get so excited about buying my daughter her first princess castle for Christmas, how much more excited does God get when blessing us?!
No day is wasted if it adds to the person that you are!

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