Thursday, October 17, 2013


Patience....mmmm yea. My favorite topic! Not! Today was was of those days that made me realize even more how much I need to grow in the area of patience. As a mother of a 14th month old my husband and I have truly been tested in this area. This morning trying to give her Tylenol because she wasn't feeling well went all over her face and in her hair as she spit it out, then trying to give her a bath she got me soaked, changed her poopy diaper but wait five minutes later there is yet another poopy diaper. She cries because I won't let her destroy my phone, I cry because it is 3 in the afternoon and I have yet to shower. Repeat 3 times. But seriously, any parent out there knows what I'm talking about.

Regardless if whether you're a parent or not your patience has been tested. Maybe by an angry customer, plans that did not go accordingly, the traffic that is always the worst when you have someplace to be. Yeah, not exactly fun right?!
A lot of times God will ask us to wait, to have patience, to try to hold out until the very last minute because we trust Him and He has our best interests at heart. This is not exactly easy, enjoyable, or fun, but may I say that this is so needed! 

Look at men and women in the Bible who waited. If they had rushed a process there would have been terrible consequences. Esther comes to mind. She had to go through a whole year (which is basically a lifetime) of preparations before she could even meet the king face to face! Imagine if she had rushed this time of waiting, she would not have known the proper way to talk to him, what to wear, and let's face it she probably had some serious body odor without being rich enough to buy fancy perfumes! God allowed her to go through that time of preparation because He knew she would one day be queen! He was giving his princess the training she needed to receive.

God is molding you for such a time as this. Everything God does has a purpose, whether or not we can see what that is yet. A good thing to remember is that this season of your life will not last forever. You will get the job, meet the spouse, have a family, write that book, do everything that God has purposed in your heart to do. So as you wipe those dirty noses, change poopy diapers, or handle a crazy customer take a deep breath and smile. One day you will look back and realize you were standing on training ground. 
No day is wasted if it adds to the person you are 😊

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