Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Love, Love, Love!

Let's be honest, some people can be real jerks. If you have ever worked retail during the holiday season then you know what I am talking about. Or what about when your business is closing and someone rushes in at the last minute. Someone calls you with a list of compliants why it is 'your' fault. At times, the worst jerks can be found among the ones we love. They may not have responded the way we would've hoped or never made us feel loved. They may have said some very hurtful things that you are still holding onto today. We may not have been their 'favorite' and that rejection is still impacting our everyday lives.

We have all had our share of encounters with some rude, inconsiderate, and nasty people right? Think of one of those encounters. However, don't focus on that persons actions, rather focus for a moment on your reactions. Did you snap right back at them? Did you take what they were saying or doing and cause it to ruin the rest of your day or evening? Did you get so worked up about it that it caused you to snap on someone else?
If we are not careful, rudeness can be contagious. I can not control someones actions, but I can control my reactions. I can decide right them and there that I am the master of my emotions. I can make a  decision that this 5, 20, or 50 minute encounter will not ruin the remainder of my 24 hours.

The Bible says that, "The joy of the Lord is your strength." (Nehemiah 8:10) I believe this is meant to be taken literally. That when I feel the least 'joyful' or 'happy' that praising God and having a good attitude in the midst of adversity will give me the strength I need to get on with the rest of my day.
You see,  a good attitude is also contagious. A simple smiles can go a long way. You may have been the only one to give them a smile all day or all year.
I currently am working full-time as a personal banker. I get my share of rude customers everyday telling me their problems and how it is 'my' fault. I remember one woman in particular. She had come in with an agenda to take her anger out on someone, and that lucky person was me that day. As she was ranting and raving I made a decision to just smile, listen, and let her talk. The longer I was kind to her, the more her attitude began to change. Once she let it all out she actually began to cry telling me that her adult son had actually just passed away and she was a mess. She apologized for taken it out on me and that she had not been herself. I was so glad I did not snap back at her! I had no idea what she was going through!

I once hear someone say that people in a way can be a lot like garbage trucks. They can get so full of depression, frustratuion, rejection, bitterness, etc, that when they get full they find someone to 'dump' their problems on. Think of that the next time someone is rude to you. You do not know what they are battling or what sorrows they are facing. Let's allow our smiles to be contagious. Do not hold onto to their words or allow them to effect you. Hold on to God's joy and let that be your strength.

"By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."(John 13:35)
It is easy to love someone when they are being a blessing, but how much more does our love count when we are showing love to those in our eyes that are the least deserving of it. This is how we shine God's light in the world. This is how we make a difference. Love, Love, Love!
No day can be wasted in our lives by an unpleasent encounter with someone, rather we should make their day better because we are children of God walking in His love.
No day is wasted if it adds to the person you are. Walk in love today <3

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