Thursday, October 24, 2013

Just Rest

This fall season is by far my favorite time of the year! The leaves are putting on an amazing color show, the weather gets a little more cold so the home becomes a little more cozy, getting out the hot chocolates, bonfires, warm blankets, and snuggles:) can you tell I'm loving it?!
There always seems to be so much to do also, like pumpkin and apple picking, trying out a new recipe, party planning, and the excitement of holidays ahead. With so much going on the last thing I want to do is rest. The word itself sounds so foreign to me. I am a go-go-go type of person and to me resting...well it just doesn't sound any fun to be perfectly honest. It kind of reminds me of the tortures of time out. Having to sit still for so many minutes or stand in a corner was the worst! I was missing out!!!

It's interesting that my definition of 'rest' and God's definition of 'rest' are not the same. Have you ever watched the Olympics? The gymnastics were always my favorite. The gymnast does a little pose to one side of the stadium and then a pose to the other side and then she focuses. You see their head drop down and center, eyes squint, and a deep breath from the determination of the performance they are about to give which will no doubt be everything they have worked it up to be. This tiny moment, this rest, is a lot how I see God with us. 
One big pause before the new chapter He is writing for us takes place.
I was reading a story in Luke 10 about two sisters that sound complete opposites, much like my sister and I. Martha the hostess, the leader, had to have everything in order for Jesus to come. Kitchen spotless, cups filled to the brim, and make no mistake she would have been cooking her specialty. Only the best for her Lord. 
Mary on the other hand had been somewhat helpful, however she wasn't focused on the crumbs that needed to be swept or the water that needed to be drawn from the town well, no her mind was somewhere else entirely. Mary kept eargerly looking out the window with the excitement of her savior on His way. Every noise from outside and she rushed to the door. What a welcome Jeaus received from Mary who ran to his feet! She was in a lot of ways like the fisherman who dropped everything to follow Jesus. Only she dropped the expectations and the chores to rest and soak up every second with her Lord. 
I must confess at times it is hard for me to rest in God's precense. The dishes still have to be cleaned and I haven't started dinner, my daughter is teething and is in need of a bath, and oh yeah that bill is due today.... Here I am distracted when I am trying so hard to REST! Obviously resting takes a lot of work!
There is a verse in the bible that I have wrestled with most of my walk with God, not because I find error in it, oh no, but because it has always challenged me.
Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and know that I am God."
Be still! Really?! As in stop what you are doing, drop what you think may be so important and just come to His feet. 
We often learn the thins we thought were so 'important' make little difference in light of eternity. 
When you are around those closest to you, there is no effort in talking, conversation simply happens, inside jokes are born, at times you need to say nothing at all, you are just enjoying each other knowing there is nothing required of you, no act you have to put on.
This is how it is to be with God. There is no strings attached, no preformance, no 25 steps to take before you come to Him. You, with all your worries and burdens, come to Him. And rest. Resting knowing and trusting that HE IS GOD.
Another day, another opportunity to soak it all in. Not only am I in my car having finally driven enough around to get my cranky teething almost fifteen month old baby to sleep, but I am still. I am just waiting. Just smiling. Just resting with Jesus. Any ya know what... It's an awesome place to be:)
Remember, NO day is wasted if it adds to the person that you are:)

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