Thursday, February 13, 2014

Disappointment is NOT a setback

Disappointment... We all have experienced this in our lives in one way or another. Whether it be a promotion that you didn't receive, a relationship you thought would work out, or promises that were broken...the list goes on and on. We have been let down, crushed, and broken hearted. These moments have left us confused, hurt, defensive, and rejected. We assume that since we cannot fully rely on people that must mean that we cannot fully rely on God. Only God….well, He is God and He has a different way of doing things altogether.

I recently had been believing for something, praying over it, claiming scriptures with it, standing on faith and all…but it didn't happen. Was I upset? Heck yes I was! I was upset with people and with circumstances and in some ways upset with God. He is supposed to work everything out for 'my good' (Romans 8:28) and my life is supposed to be filled with hope and a good future. (Jeremiah 29:11) In our culture of green lights, we think that getting a red light is a bad thing. We hate words like, 'not yet', 'later', 'wait a bit more', 'not ready', and so on. You may see the situation as a setback but it should not set you back in your walk with God.

I find that the people we are the closest to we often argue with, get upset at, and feel frustrated with. We are 'real' with them and them with us. They see all of our faults and failures. However, in spite of all this you still love them. Let me tell you that God and your ex are not the same. God and your parents are not the same. God and your boss, your co-worker, you friend, anyone else who you relied on, who hurt you, or was not there for you…they are not the same. God is not a man that He should lie. (Numbers 23:19) Yes, we can have a very personal relationship with God but we must understand that unlike people, God does not disappoint.

I often think of the story of Peter walking on water (Matthew 14:22-33) Jesus called to Peter to come meet Him as He walked on water. At first, Peter was doing it! He must have felt such excitement, such awe, to be walking on water in the midst of the storm! Peter kept his eyes fixed on Jesus, yet the moment Peter looked at his circumstances and all the reasons why logic states this should be impossible, he began to sink. In some ways, Peter disappointed Jesus. You could say Peter did not fully trust Jesus, and then of course when Peter denied even knowing Jesus in John 18:15-27. Yea, I guess Peter must have been a big let down huh? Jesus really had every reason to give up hope on Peter and let him go back to fishing. The amazing thing about this story is that Jesus, not once, not twice, but after every single disappointment, He kept trusting Peter to do the right thing. He kept giving him opportunities to prove himself and to make things right.

Why is it that when we mess up we know that God will give us another chance. He will show up in our lives and wash away the mess we made with His never ending love. Yet, when something happens to us we think should not have happened our trust in God is challenged. "Why did GOD let this happen?", "Where was GOD when I needed Him?" "I thought GOD was going to work this out for me?" Our trust in God should not be dependent on how many good things He does for us, if we heard his audible voice, or if he gives us a sign in the sky saying turn right. That is not true unshakable faith, but a laundry list of expectations. God does not expect that from us so why are we expecting that from Him?

I want to challenge you that with God walk on the water…be a radical…live your life out loud make a difference. Do not let a closed door stop you from going in the window. Allow God to lead you and trust that His word will come to pass just maybe not in the time you think it should. I will believe that God truly is working things out for my good. That He really is capable of anything. That His word never ever fails. Never. Some promises may take a few months or a few years to fulfill, but they are promises that God will keep. Your temporary disappointment could lead to a continual success. Think of the greats, like Michael Jordan for example. He did not even make his high school basketball team! A set back did not stop him and it shouldn't stop you. Today is a new day. You are stronger, wiser, and more equipped to take on whatever comes your way!
 Always remember, no day is wasted if it adds to the person that you are.


  1. This is great Missy! I love how you said the world is full of green lights- that is so true! Also, I never thought about how many chances God gave Peter. It is awesome to look at it that way! Keep up the writing...I am now following you ;-)
