Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fear…the dream killer

Thanks to live television, social media, and the world wide web, horrible news travels at alarming speeds. Horror movies have become one of the biggest industries of our generation. Would it surprise you that majority of people today deal with fear on a regular basis?

You know, growing up in church and hearing people say God was my father I never really understood that until i became a parent. You can not comprehend the overwhelming love for someone. It is as if my  heart is running around in a 17-month old body,  throwing tantrums, pooping her diaper, and snuggling with mommy. I have never experienced this kind of love in all my life. I long to see the dreams and desires she has come to pass. We all have dreams. Dreams of having a family one day, being successful, having our own home, starting a business, writing a book, the list goes on. Fear is the paralyzing factor whispering all the 'what ifs' to you say that you never take one step forward. God the Father has birthed dreams on the inside of you and He longs to see you fulfill them.

I literally stood fear in the face one day…well kind of. There was this bully in my elementary school who would always pick on me. It was so incredibly annoying. I got afraid to go to the other side of the playground where the 'cool' stuff was because he was over there, or afraid to sit in the back of the bus because he was there, etc. He was always pushing me around until one day on the playground I got sick of him always calling me names and intimidating me. I got up from my swing and took long walk to the other side of the playground where the monkey bars and the BIG slide was. I saw him watching me and eventually step in front of me. I was done playing games and just punched him right in the face, BAM! I kid you not, we were both sent to the principles office that day, only he had a bloody nose and I was smiling. 

I'm not saying to go around and punch everyone in the face, but punch your fear in the face! :) YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOUR WORST FEAR! God did not give you legs so that you could stand still or a voice so that you could keep quiet! Start using the gifts and talents He has given you. Start living! Start walking into all that he has for you.
I once heard someone say that 'fear' stands for False Evidence Appearing Real and that is exactly what it is. Fear paralyzes. Fear kills dreams. Stop letting it kill yours. Live out your dreams and don't waste another minute being afraid. God has so much better things in store for you! 
Jeremiah 29:11 Isaiah 41:10!
Remember, no day is wasted if it adds to the person that you are <3

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