Thursday, September 25, 2014

Mothers of princesses everywhere ❤️

Little girls are truly a beauty to behold. They have no restrictions on their dreams or no limitations to how far they can fly. They can do anything and no one stands in their way. They are born with a little bit of wonder on the inside of them. It isn't until puberty that they start second guessing themselves, and the poison of insecurity takes root. They start to question themselves, question what they are wearing, and whether or not they will be accepted. They begin to lose hope. This battle starts when they stop believing in themselves. They give someone else the key to their destiny and make decisions based on someone else's opinions instead of what lies inside their hearts. If no one ever reminds them of who they truly are they may never awaken to the beat of their own heart again. Let us tell them while they're young, while they're careless, fearless, and free, that they are daughters of the King. They are born to change the world; they breathe wonder and creativity into others. They are meant to bring light to the shadows with their caring heart full of hope. People will try and steal the joy that they have, they will try and make them feel inferior. You are in their lives for a reason, so tell them who they are...tell them to keep believing...and tell them that they bow to no one, no one except the King.
Let the mothers rise up and raise daughters who never lose their hope to the various oppressions of this world. Your role is a powerful and significant one. You are needed. Every diaper you change, every runny nose you wipe, every song you belt out before bedtime, you are raising a warrior princess. The same King who gave this precious baby girl to you cleaned your scars and mended your broken heart. Show your daughter who He is...He is calling you out of the ordinary to be everything He has called you to be. Don't waste any more time with pointless battles or pointless people. You, my dear, are the Kings daughter and you heart has a home in Him.  

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