Saturday, June 14, 2014

Love Not Thy Selfie

All over social media are people. These people are taking 'selfies'. Usually a cool facial expression, or some random location and bam-perfect selfie formula. I get it, your in the car at the stoplight having the perfect hair day and this moment must be captured in history. Or maybe you love your coffee so much you are like best friends with the coffee and gotta take a pic for the scrapbook, of yourself drinking the coffee. Thanks for sharing.

What bothers me the most is the numerous amount of women that take 'selflies.' Let's hold the camera at the perfect angle to get some cleavage and then thrown a scripture verse as the caption to make this pic look a bit holy. Whose attention are you trying to get? You are beautiful and you don't need to show us some skin to prove it. Be secure enough in yourself to not show that off to the world. You are putting yourself out there to attract the wrong type of attention and yet expecting the right kind of attention. We have become desperate for attention. That the mark of someones approval of us would be the click of a 'like button.' Have we so degraded the human relationship to this?

When we focus all of our attention on ourselves we miss the beauty of life going on around us. We become selfish individuals in a selfish society. We would rather pull out our phones and scroll through social media, making sure we have so many 'likes', and no comments that hurt our feelings. We want to be celebrated and patted on the back for our greatest accomplishment of the day which involved no energy at all except the click of the camera from our phone. While using touch pads we have somehow lost the personal touch.

I often look at my daughter and think what new worlds of technology will be discovered once she is grown. I will sound like an old lady when talking about my 'mac laptop' and 'iPhone 5'.Don't get me wrong, I am not bashing technology here, only our misuse of it. It is an amazing tool that if not wielded carefully can cause great damage to the user.May in the world of technology we not forget to be simple.
Simply beautiful, simply confident, and simply ourselves with no enhancements or need for approval.